Friday, August 14, 2009

Jenny Craig-Day 1

Ok, I'm doing it! Yesterday I went to JC to sign up so I can lose my 30 pounds by Christmas! (Well, after weighing in it's more like 40lbs!) All and all it was a pretty good experience. I met with the director of the center and she talked to me for about an hour about why I eat, how much I eat, and together we came up with a personalized "plan" for me. What I really liked is that they use my goal as my official goal weight, not a BMI chart that says at 5'4" I'm suppose to weight 112 lb. Oh pleaaassseee! But, don't be fooled that JC is first and foremost a business. After our talk, she pulled out the different types of membership and based on my goals she felt that the Platinum Membership would be perfect. For $399, you're kidding me. No way in hell! That doesn't include the cost of food!! I explained to her that I would rather do the $6 per week trail plan and then later on, if I'm feeling success, I would purchase a membership. She asked me why. Why lady, because I don't have 400 bucks laying around!! I stuck my ground and she was fine with it. She pulled out a pre-planned menu for a 1200 calorie diet. I'm a very picky eater so we substituted some meals and I said I would go ahead and try some stuff that I woudn't normally eat. I bought one weeks worth of food and some vitamins and walked out spending $150. I wanted to try to keep it under 100 so next week I'm not going to buy some of her snacks. I've heard a lot of people sub Jenny snacks for the 100 calorie packs. A heck of a lot cheaper.

So, here's what I get to eat on day one:

Multigrain Hoop Ceral w/ one cup of nonfat milk
JC Anytime Bar, Fruit
Cheesy Enchilada
Salad w/ JC dressing
Chicken Carbonara
Salad w/ JC dressing
Chocolate Bar

I just had breakfast and cereal was very good. Tasted just like Cheerios. I will review the rest of the food tnoight!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chocolate Chips cookies are from hell

My husband decided that he wanted some cookies. I've had four.

Thank God I haven't started the diet yet.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Dreaded Before

I need to face the music. And what better way than showing some no so flattering before pictures.
I will also share my current weight.(Who in thier right mind does this!!??) Doing so will help me come to terms with my body. But, (he, he) I am going to wait until my official weight in at Jenny Craig on Friday. Why am I waiting until Friday? No I'm not continuing my procrastinating ways, I have to wait until payday!!!

I'm searching my computer for some big old fat pics. Here's what I've found so far:

Here I am with Lauren on the 4th of July

In Richmond with some friends in July (looking especially thick!):

Friday can't get here soon enough!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Introduction--what the hell is this all about!

I am sick of being fat. Really just I’ve had all the children that I plan to so what better time to “reinvent” myself than now. What am I waiting for?

Well, I’ve been waiting for the how. How am I going to lose at least 30 pounds? Since being a stay at home mom for the last three months, I’ve had time to think about this. Ok, so if I’ve had so much time to “think” on the subject why not just do it? Just stop eating so damn much and get outside and walk! Do something! For me it's just not that easy.

I've always considered myself fat, even when I wasn't. My whole life has been plagued with losing just a few more pounds. It's been an obsession and I'm through with that. When I got married (March 2006), I was finally happy with the way I looked. I certainly wasn't at my thinnest but I was happy. After being married for a few months I gained about 10 pounds. No biggie, I wasn't worried. I had my first baby and gained some weight. Lost most of that quickly but struggled with the last 20 pounds. Held onto that right up through pregnancy number 2. The funny thing? Lost all the baby weight I gained with Baby number 2, but still have that 20 pounds from after baby number 1 and the 10 pounds from after I got married. My goal: lose the 30 pounds I've gained since my wedding.

I’ve easily had the worst year of my life (sprinkled with one awesome moment, the birth of my son). My mom passed away suddenly in January and with that my world simply fell apart. Being several months pregnant (along with my sister) when it happened certainly didn’t help. What got me through? My family, my daughter especially and food. I didn’t really watch what I ate while I was pregnant before but this tragedy totally opened the food floodgates. I always had an excuse to eat. I was either very sad or very pregnant.

I’ve never considered myself a “bad” eater. I don’t usually sit down and eat a whole pizza or two large milkshakes. I’ve never really denied myself any type of food, I just thought I always controlled the portions ok. This is what I thought. Seeing myself in pictures lately has led me to these decisions: to enroll with Jenny Craig and to blog about it?

Why Jenny Craig? That’s simple: I DO NOT have time to think. The idea of pre-packaged, pre-determined meals appeals to me. The guesswork is done. Eat this and you’ll lose weight. Ok, sign me up.

Why the blog? No, I don't really believe that my journey will be in any way unique and thus worth reading about (I’m no Ruby here, I don’t think TLC is knocking down my door)...this blog is more for me than you. It will hold me accountable. If I tried a weight loss program and failed, the only people who usually knew about it was me, my loving supportive husband and maybe my sister. It’s a lot harder to give up when countless people are following you. People I may not even know or haven’t seen in years. When I’ve done diets in the past, if I cheat a little I just skipped the weigh in telling myself I’d get back on track next week. No one has to know about this slip up. Now if that happens, I’ll have to face it. I’ll write about it. And I hoping the shame (support from you all!) will get me right back on track.

My goal: lose 30 pounds by Christmas. Why, I won’t lie…I miss looking good and being proud of myself. But, if there’s one thing I’ve learned this year it’s that your family is all that matters and I want to be around for mine for a long, long time to come. Don’t spend your whole life running around in circles searching for the perfect body because that body won’t last forever. But I want to be around forever and to do that I must get healthy. And I will…I will…I will!!!!